
Fickle Humans

Ok, here we go slipping and sliding headlong into the maeltrom of the most controversial yet enduring facets of humanity. A little apprehensive? Maybe. Well, why not; for nothing is beyond the realms of discussion, especially when it's so indelibly stitched into the human fabric. God made man in his own image, and Allah summoned Mohammed to haeven on a winged horse. There should be a mention of YWHW destroying humanity in a manner also described in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Thats a bit of a mouthful for a start. Where would social and scientific norms be without religion? Does religion dictate morality? The answer to this a vague "it depends." In Shitoism, a sexual orgasm is handled pretty much as a state of spirtual enlightenment. Try talking about sex in coservative Abrahamic faith circles and the disapproval will have you crossing over Mecca and Jerusalem and all the way to the most hedonistic clubs of Berlin. Should it be thus though? Humanity not only loves s...

Take Your Time

Take your time. Maybe the most important three words in the English language, even greater than "I love you" in varying degrees of context. For if love something, or someone, you will take your time to build and savor it. You will invest your precious time in all that you love. So, for today, take your time. Create a work of art. American Visionary Arts Center, Fed Hill, Baltimore MD.  ©GSK

But I'm Kenyan

Mais Je suis Kenyan! No, not in that language, but that usually is the excuse for mediocrity in public service, infrastructure, well, in just about everything. Indeed, Kenya, much like most of the sub-Saharan African countries prioritize religious hegemony over common sense. Leaders - chosen by God. Poor infrastructure, deaths in ill-equipped hospitals, carnage on the roads due to a lack of observation of the highway code - God must be angry. Mais Je suis Kenyan! In 2017, we had entire communities coming out of their poverty-stricken cocoons to, essentially, grant one of the bourgeoisie a "birthday present." So to speak, they crawled on hungry bellies like termites to the nest, leaving a trail of pride and destruction that is only just evident in their tribal wake. Qu'ils mangent de la brioche! True, some highways are world class, and you can traverse much of the country without as much as tracking mud all the way to the fast forgotten hovels of "upcoun...

From the road

Hot as it has been, there's always a chance that you'll catch a snippet of something that's of aesthetic, and/or historical significance. The best sites are not yet photographed. The best views are yet to viewed thru a lens other than by that which is granted to us thru evolutionary development.