
Showing posts with the label Religion

What The Fascism? A Déjà Coup

Thus was the malodorous ghost of communism ressurected in the most stupid way last night (Jan 8, 2023), and by the most stupid people with the most stupid of ideological beliefs. The ghouls of Jan 6, 2021 were also awoken last night in Brasilia, albeit in an equally pathetic manner.  Rule one: don't be stupid in public; rule two: don't spread your stupidity like marmite on toast.  Seriously though, life is not as complex as either a pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD), or a Roux-en-Y lateral pancreaticojejunostomy. Get up, do something productive, stuff your gob, take a good shit, go to bed, et al. yelling your lungs off will not materialize your beliefs Bullshit is, unfortunately, like a religion - there are fools in Brazil who believe that there is a communist threat in the country. This is a phalanx of the far-right that lives and thrives in an alternate reality. They swallow fables faster than bukakke actresses from right wing news outlets, sans fact-checking. Perhaps...

A Tale For The Moment

This may be rich in semantics. This is NOT a trigger warning. The statement: religion The subject: humanity The intent: education The material: acerbic We are alive despite the acknowledgement that, immediately after our birth, we are the most vulnerable species in the family of primates. The possibility of our survival is greatly diminished to none in lieu of postnatal care. As it shouldn't be worth mentioning, no amount of prayer serves in the place of adequate postnatal care. Still, how do we acquire religion, because, just like that infamous acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, religion is acquired and molded into the human psyche.  The sequence is pretty simple actually: 1. Family 2. School 3. Social environment It all starts at home, where kids are drilled to learn "prayer and worship" in christian households, with piety being molded into these young brains as a mark of upstanding character. Then it's on to the schools to take care of the rest of the indoctrinati...

The Center Of The Universe - A Lifetime Journey

Genesis Proverbs 22:6 -  Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Thus does the story begin, for, from childhood, mine was a mind conditions to believe everything taught within the confines of conservative presbyterianism. Growing up in the relative tranquility of an "average sized" town in Central Kenya, that was the center of my universe. Nyeri was my entire world, and Nairobi was the big city which I always viewed with big, envious eyes. My dreams were to own a big house in Nairobi, teach at Nairobi University, and have a beautiful wife. As we very well acknowledge (those who have lived past 30 anyway), life doesn't always work according to a set schedule, if it ever does anyway. God, our father, made everything, and kept an eye on everything. He was the absolute center of everything, and life on earth played to his whims. He gave life, he took away life. We were all born sinful, and, by his ascent to earth, and birth of ...

Freedom To Blaspheme

Islam, the sweaty armpit of religion. Created by a desert rambler who excelled in fantasy and paedophilia. Whether he was a "man of his times" as many are wont to declare, or he was just just a thirsty child molester, Aisha was too damn young to be anyone's wife. Such was the character of this charlatan. Moving on: Islam has an estimated 1.8 billion adherents; some good, some bad. One thing they do seem to have in common is that blasphemy merits death. True, one can poke fun at the implied divinity of one Jesus fellow, but can't so much as draw this bloody twit of a prophet. Seriously! Adultery - stone the woman. Rape (also adultery) - stone that whore! Homosexuality - nah, don't even mention it. Ipso facto, Islam is a bloodthirsty religion toned down to some extent by moderates and amplified by extremists. Every religion throughout history seems to bear a semblance of Islamic bloodlust, not least the extremist Buddhist regime in Myanmar, which, ironically, is cra...

Land 'o Graft

"It's our turn to eat!" "Which community gets the largest share of the national cake?" "Our leaders are chosen by god! We must pray for their well-being and not belittle them!" "This is Kenya!" Of course it is; does one expect to be in some planet of the apes in the anus of the solar system? Or, oh dear, might it be that the country is a sewer inhabited by giant flies? Such is life in a country which prides itself to be independent while continually bleeding itself dry to take on ever more massive infrastructural white elephants. Of course, only an independent nation would submit to the yoke of endless foreign debt. Some independence that is! Freedom, clustered on roads that are a colonial relic, in a country where dirt roads and potholes are as common as ants in sugar. Such is beautiful freedom. Traveling? Forget that - nut to butt outside some western embassy queueing for visas to escape this...freedom?  You could be white and have maggots ...

Fickle Humans

Ok, here we go slipping and sliding headlong into the maeltrom of the most controversial yet enduring facets of humanity. A little apprehensive? Maybe. Well, why not; for nothing is beyond the realms of discussion, especially when it's so indelibly stitched into the human fabric. God made man in his own image, and Allah summoned Mohammed to haeven on a winged horse. There should be a mention of YWHW destroying humanity in a manner also described in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Thats a bit of a mouthful for a start. Where would social and scientific norms be without religion? Does religion dictate morality? The answer to this a vague "it depends." In Shitoism, a sexual orgasm is handled pretty much as a state of spirtual enlightenment. Try talking about sex in coservative Abrahamic faith circles and the disapproval will have you crossing over Mecca and Jerusalem and all the way to the most hedonistic clubs of Berlin. Should it be thus though? Humanity not only loves s...