The Very Catholic Cruelty

Blasphemy: death penalty.
Witchcraft: death penalty.
LGBTQ+: death penalty.

That may define one or all mostly religious enclaves and nations throughout history, particularly those of the bearing of the misnomer that is "Abrahamic faith." Yet, that is all it is, faith, and not fact, and should therefore be handled as such. The very fact that religion has brought its influence to bear over eons of national policy and governance across numerous lands is a tragedy of the human race.

This is the same race that expects to live in harmony while terraforming alien moons, all while fighting over the ethics of female contraception. We are a shallow species that wouldn't survive beyond a few days were some global cataclysm to strike. The first line of defence would likely be solitude and comfort in our tribal nature. Yes, that is who we are.

Which segways into the genocide that was perpetrated by the catholic ghouls in the land built upon the graveyards of the natives that is Canada. This is a nation known for being a bastion of leadership and democracy, and is respected for being a nation that respects human rights. Unlike the United States, Canada actually has functional universal healthcare. However, the long shadow of the mistreatment of native American tribes is indelibly etched into the fabric of the second largest country by surface area on the planet. 

Mass grave after mass grave has been excavation in Canada, which has betrayed a legacy of torture, racism, and other ills of colonialism wrought upon the native Canadian people. It almost is obvious why there are so many mass graves in the compounds of former "residential schools," ¹run by the catholic church. The agony borne by the Mosakahiken Cree Nation harks back to the Mother and Baby homes' mass graves in Ireland² also run the catholics. In Tuam, Ireland,³ 796 remains of babies were found buried within "17 chambers of sewers. While it may likely never be known exactly how many infants perished and we're callously interred in such circumstances, the parallels here are too obvious to ignore.

In Kamloops BC, the remains of 215 indigenous children were uncovered.

In Cranbrook BC, more than 600 unmarked graves have been unconvered. 

"From the 19th century until the 1970s, more than 150,000 Indigenous children were forced to attend state-funded Christian boarding schools in an effort to assimilate them into Canadian society. Thousands of children died there of disease and other causes, with many never returned to their families." (NPR courtesy of the AP)⁴

Catholicism should be christened (ironically) for what it is, an instrument of mass indoctrination and genocide. The catholic church is but an instrument of human grief and suppression that has both outlasted its stay in the public domain, and has likely exceeded the worst excesses of the NAZIs and the Belgian state under Leopold. It has abetted, nay, enabled the genocide of children across the world all while being against basic contraception in the developing world. Catholicism doesn't belong in modern Canada, or in any modern nation for that matter - it is Islam with a cloak, staff, and a mask of symbols and rituals. 

No wonder the two get along so well.

For an institution to be responsible for so much grief across the world, and especially to children, covering up mass murder and mass molestation, no wonder their practice of communion is known as "mass." What a callous, asinine and cruel institution it is. This institution is the very antithesis of human progress and built upon death, depravity, and decadence in the face of suffering. This is the same institution that deified cruel and deletrious runts like mother Theresa (who preached that "suffering in poverty was righteous" while accessing the best healthcare), and others too numerous name. This is an institution built upon the tears of children, who they pilfered from their parents ever so callously. 

Catholicism represents oppression and death.






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