
Showing posts from April, 2021


Let my words be as light as jazz,  let my words be the music you love: for it is only yours that I love; be cozy and snuggle against my heart, hear it beat in tune to your heart, listen to it pulsate in delight  let me bathe your path in light, for it is your love in which I thrill; let me be your eyes tonight, tonight we have it all set alight, the fire is blazing in golden light: it is, indeed, it was, indeed, it always was indeed all for you; it is, indeed, it will be, indeed, it will be always yours, indeed, all for you, and no one else for you are all I have in creed. The words are loud, the whispers louder, the day is cool, the night is warm, the earth is round, the earth is flat, I know not what to know anymore;  for you took all I that knew - reset it all anew: now I am hard-wired to only you; as you say, so it is, as you play, so it is, the truth be told, in lettering bold, that without you I am eternal cold.

A Cluster Of Crumbs

in a moment all words were unsaid in a moment was all hope deflated  ripped apart at the seams by Hades  gone through epochs unseen, all gone in that moment, the future was lost in that moment birth meant nothing for the nadir of existence was verily not and the lush laughter signaled rot for that moment would they build rafters in caskets, for the comfort of the living an attic for which to the future to peek for all seems void, to a soul bereft GSK™

Better Days

lights  they ebb and fall and fade away to the embrace of nothing  they give themselves  lights from either eye departed, all gone away they flashed off and left  and left we bereft lights unseen by you, but left for we yet gone is the source to which we looked to see out of the madding gloom lights switched off by the roadside and smashed with stones the falling of which left us without lights! GSK™

A Little Note

In my mind as the pictures play  in silence it is that I have to stay  awed by the serenity of it all day,  entranced by the magic I see today;  echoes that ring from the past  will be forgotten, it did not last,  in the valley of Not 'twas away cast,  'tis all in the past, it did not last;  rise up beyond the eventide,  rise up, and watch with pride,  rise up, and do not hide  the love in which we both abide;  in the mirror it is I see your face,   smiling beside me, your lovely face,  in your eyes, I'm bound in lace  of heaven's thread, and tossed in space;  indeed, my travels and travails tire,  sometimes they draw out a flash of ire,  but through all the flames of searing fire,  we look past it with a hint of satire;  yes, indeed, the tide seems to rise,  catching us surfers with sure surprise,   but in all the waves that seem to arise,  together we will share the morn'...

The Motherland

The belly - distended the eyes were out appended the face - contorted the sun - comforted                            not it waxed hot the cry of a mantra of utter lack, the mantra of devoid space, the mantra the eyes spoke of Hades' hand the mouth was empty the belly was empty the visage was truly empty the mother of humanity keens a dirge of pity a cry of 'let there be' a cry of 'let it be' for at her heart she starves and at her heart lies death (GSK) ©