The Fallacies We Hold Dear
As with any doctrine crafted by man, religion has proven to bear the same moral inadequecies exhibited throughout human history. In many of man's holy books, there is evidence of murder, genocide, revenge killing and worse. There is ample justification for crimes of moral turpitude, and still more justification for punishing the same in fascinatingly barbarous ways. Just as humanity has evolved in thinking, so has the interpretation of religious text, but, with the caveat that any alteration in religious text changes what the attributed creator figure meant to say. One of the most literal religions is Islam. Created by an Arab religious, social, and political leader who the world knows as the prophet Muhammad (whose image remains censored for some reason of hadith-er), Islam dominates the lives of entire populations thought the middle East of Asia, Northern Africa, Indonesia and Malaysia. As the regular Muslim would say, it is a way of life. With such lofty proclamations comes the...