
Showing posts from August, 2020

Covid19 Billionaires

Cancer: it's a complex set of illnesses for which there's no singular approach. Healthcare: an invaluable tool for fighting cancer and other disorders.  Government: should guarantee universal healthcare as a right not a fucking privilege. Should also be that which maintains the quality of a universal healthcare system. Kenyans: people who vote for the same thieves over and over again and create paybills for the unwell while their treasury is bled dry. Meanwhile, the thieves seek treatment abroad with their stolen loot. Your politicians will, of course, keep laughing in your brainwashed faces. For the sake of sanity, Kenyans, please stop the cyclical electoral madness! Actually, no. Stay stupid, my friends.

BS Today

Brexit: the sound a racist hemmorhoid makes. Maybe, maybe not, but surely a rabid sense if nationalism did play an outsized role in Brexit, the 2016 US elections, the growth of the neo-nazi NDP in Germany, the explosion of religions nationalism in Poland, the rise of Fidesz and Orban in Hungary, among other oddly comical social expressions of nationalism. Are they racist? Mostly, and they tend to align closely with a loose christian association. Yeah, the KKK as an example espouses "Judeo-Christian values" while being pretty much anti anything "Judeo." Why do these fools hate Jews so much anyway? Wouldn't that negate their so-called christian lifestyle?  Wasn't the Jesus they so warmly speak of not a Jew? The only thing more two-faced than overt nationalism and fascism is, if course, racism. It simply doesn't make much sense, and is by default, absolutely senseless. As is tribalism of every creed. Tribalism was especially deviously applied in principle b...

Freedom To Blaspheme

Islam, the sweaty armpit of religion. Created by a desert rambler who excelled in fantasy and paedophilia. Whether he was a "man of his times" as many are wont to declare, or he was just just a thirsty child molester, Aisha was too damn young to be anyone's wife. Such was the character of this charlatan. Moving on: Islam has an estimated 1.8 billion adherents; some good, some bad. One thing they do seem to have in common is that blasphemy merits death. True, one can poke fun at the implied divinity of one Jesus fellow, but can't so much as draw this bloody twit of a prophet. Seriously! Adultery - stone the woman. Rape (also adultery) - stone that whore! Homosexuality - nah, don't even mention it. Ipso facto, Islam is a bloodthirsty religion toned down to some extent by moderates and amplified by extremists. Every religion throughout history seems to bear a semblance of Islamic bloodlust, not least the extremist Buddhist regime in Myanmar, which, ironically, is cra...

Land 'o Graft

"It's our turn to eat!" "Which community gets the largest share of the national cake?" "Our leaders are chosen by god! We must pray for their well-being and not belittle them!" "This is Kenya!" Of course it is; does one expect to be in some planet of the apes in the anus of the solar system? Or, oh dear, might it be that the country is a sewer inhabited by giant flies? Such is life in a country which prides itself to be independent while continually bleeding itself dry to take on ever more massive infrastructural white elephants. Of course, only an independent nation would submit to the yoke of endless foreign debt. Some independence that is! Freedom, clustered on roads that are a colonial relic, in a country where dirt roads and potholes are as common as ants in sugar. Such is beautiful freedom. Traveling? Forget that - nut to butt outside some western embassy queueing for visas to escape this...freedom?  You could be white and have maggots ...